
Managed Apple IDs & Federation: A Talk from MacAD

This year’s talk track is all about the Federated Managed Apple ID. The strongest and best use-case for Managed Apple IDs in Business & Education is focused around User Enrollment of devices.

A slide that shows an iPhone with a brick wall halfway down the screen. It shows Personal Applications separate from Work Applications.

User Enrollment is an incredibly powerful technology for businesses to adopt, and it requires a Managed Apple ID. User Enrollment is a privacy-preserving enrollment type that can be used by companies on devices they don’t own. That means the device managed cannot see or know the device’s identifying details: phone number, serial number, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth MAC. In addition, the management layer cannot see the unmanaged applications. So your Karaoke app, your social media apps, and more, are just for you, and not for your organization. You can safely and securely use apps for work without giving up your privacy.

Bulk-creating Managed Apple IDs is a pain in the rear, though, unless you federate your domain. Federating your domain is not a process without challenge or issue. This presentation covers methods and actions necessary to accomplish this key task.

I will post the video once complete, or come to the Mac Admins Conference for the extended dance remix version of this talk.

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